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I can be your server admin

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TheResearcher   Mod 37
18 Jul 2024

What is meant by freedom? What is the true American understanding? Is it the freedom to choose between McDonalds and Burger King? I say that real freedom is freedom from the likes of these giant parasites.

I think that not too many people consider that freedom to opt-out is probably the greatest of freedoms. So much so that our Creator guarantees it: if we don’t want any share in his divine kingdom of love and self-sacrificial love, we are free to reject it. If God secures for us the freedom to opt-out of his blessed kingdom, then is it so much to ask that a regular citizen be free to opt-out of the spiritual harmful demands of the fallen world around him?

I digress. As you can see, all these matters are intimately linked. Imagine a world where you cannot opt out of Facebook or Google. Maybe you embrace such a world as inevitable so I’ll rephrase that a bit: Imagine a world where you cannot opt out of the VR metaverse; all your social interaction must take place through this mediated reality. If you are looking forward to such a future, may God be pleased to enlighten your darkened mind to the knowledge of spiritual realities.

American freedom means personal sovereignty. It means you have right to rule over your personal space, your personal property, the right to self determination and protection of the interests of those whom you love. It means that those who seek to harm you have to authority over you and cannot force upon you anything against the best interests of yourself and loved ones.

When your data is on the major cloud providers, especially with “free” services, it is being monitored, recorded, and analyzed for purposes that go against your best interests. The desire of the powers that be is to be able to control your deepest thoughts, desires, emotions. They seek to rule over even your own free will.

Because of the way things are structure, total opt-out is virtually impossible if you want to use any modern technology. But, there are ways to minimize your exposure to these harmful practices that seek to destroy whatever rule you may have left over your own intellect.

The good news is that you can still opt-out of many harmful “services”. And the more people that do so, less power the wicked have over our lives. Take this forum, for example, it is hosted on dedicated server. It’s still not ideal (since I don’t have physical control over the machine), but it does eliminate a lot of low-hanging fruit.

Microsoft cannot train their AI on my code if it is hosted on my own git server. If you have code on GitHub, it’s being analyzed and tracked and monitored. If you have photos to share, if you do it on your own server, the tech giants and intelligence agencies have less data about you to build a “digital twin”.


If running and administering your own server is too much for you, you can pay me a (resonable) fee and I’ll guide you, or take care of everything for you. It’s a win-win stuation for both of us. You get more privacy and data sovereignty, and I get to pay the bills.

[a way to contact me will be added to this site sometime soon]

God bless!

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