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Father Seraphim Rose of Platina, California

Home / Orthodoxy / Father Seraphim Rose of Platina, California

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TheResearcher   Mod 37
16 Oct 2024

“The real crisis of Orthodoxy today—not only in Russia but throughout the world— has not been caused by submission to orders of atheists—and it will not be overcome by refusing to accept these orders. ’The crisis of Orthodoxy lies in the loss of the savor of True Christianity This savor has been largely lost not only by the Moscow hierarchs, but by most of the Russian ‘dissidents’ as well, as likewise by the ‘Paris’ school of émigré theologians, by the apostate Patriarch of Constantinople and all who follow him, by new calendarists and renovationists and modernists of every sort, and by the simple people everywhere who imagine they are Orthodox because their fathers were or because they belong to a ‘canonical church organization.’ Against this loss of savor of Orthodoxy there has arisen one great movement of protest in the 20th Century: That of the True-Orthodox Christians whether of Russia, Greece, Mount Athos, or the Orthodox Diasporia, Among these True-Orthodox Christians are to be found the authentic Orthodox confessors and martyrs of our times.”—Fr. Seraphim (Rose), The Catacomb Tikhonite Church 1974 (Pages 242-243 of The Orthodox Word)

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“The fire of true Orthodoxy is still alive in many places: in the Catacomb Church of enslaved Russia, in the persecuted True Orthodox Christians of Greece, in the maligned Russian Church Outside of Russia, in the Zealots of Mt. Athos.“— Fr. Seraphim Rose

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