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All our interactions will soon be replaced with AI

Home / Fake Reality / All our interactions will soon be replaced with AI

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TheResearcher   Mod 37
5 Aug 2024

I’m sure you’ve seen emails from recruiters or other salespeople which contain personal details, as if written by an actually human being who intentionally wants to connect with you. I responded to one such email only to receive a rather generic response asking questions that could easily have been answered (or, at least heavily implied) from my previous email.

I just came across this service:

Behold the future: computer generated, hyper-personalized communications that seem like they are written by a human being, but are totally fake. There was no human-to-human connection; only a cold, soulless algorithm that pretends to be a warm-blooded human.

Can you see the trajectory? We can no longer tell the difference between talking to a real person and “ghost”. Even if there is value in this tech per-se, how do you feel about being tricked into believing a heartless encounter is a genuine human encounter? Are we seeing a world come into being where you no longer can have any certainty that you are interacting with a real person online? Is this the kind of world you want to live in?

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